The exhibition was meant to remind audiences that Chlo é is a French label with a history not unlike those of Dior or Saint Laurent, where the news of two new designers this season overshadowed just about everything else happening in Paris. 该展览意在提醒观众,Chloé这个法国品牌的历史,与Dior和SaintLaurent一样悠久而辉煌;这一季关于后两家公司的新任设计师的新闻,盖过了巴黎时装周期间发生的所有其他新闻。
The NBA plays exhibition games in several countries before the season starts. NBA在球季开始前在几个国家演出表演赛。
The car at the heart of the exhibition was built by McLaren Racing for the2006 season. 汉密尔顿曾经用过的赛车,被放在了本次展览的焦点位置。
After a series of exhibition games, the NBA begins its 82-game regular season in the first week of November. 在一系列的表演赛之后,NBA于11月的第一周开始它82场比赛的常规赛季。